2nd Vice Moderator

Rev. Bajei Garrett
I am Bajei Garrett, an ordained Minister in the Bear Creek Missionary Baptist Association. I am privileged to serve as Pastor for The Holly Green Missionary Baptist Church, 487 Emmaus Church Road, Dudley, NC since 2011 after the demise of my husband and Pastor Elder Dr. Jesse H. Garrett.
I am a retired Registered Nurse Supervisor and Medication Administration Trainer. I retired from NC Department of Health and Human Services. But for many years prior I was a Bordereau Secretary , and a Keypunch Operator in a Law Firm in NYC.
I am the Parent of four birth children and several love engrafted children.
I have earned a Bachelor's degree in Theology from Goldsboro Disciples Institute (GDI) where I graduated as the Valedictorian of my class. Presently, I am pursuing further studies to obtain my Masters degree in Pastoral Studies.
I am Saved , Sanctified, HOLY SPIRIT filled convinced Child of GOD. I Believe, GODS' WORD, therefore , I Live HIS WORD, on Purpose with Joy and Gladness.
I have lots of hobbies, I write short stories, I draw, sew, cook, do gift card decorations, I am an avid reader and enjoy playing Biblical word games on the computer, as well as listening to sermons of Seasoned Pastors years ago.